2020 at JJW STUDIO


As we look back on the past 12 months, we've been fortunate to have crafted stunning content with an endless list of brands and people. While the year has taught us to be as agile as ever, we've walked away with a wealth of knowledge and experience we won't forget. 

When COVID-19 hit, we jumped on the community project Live from Stonewall, where we ran the post-production element for this live show. In-show video content, graphic design and social content were all part of the content we crafted, which was produced and created by Create & Cast. With over 500,000 live streams we supported Create & Cast across this 10-episode online series which featured a plethora of national and international celebrity guests.


As the second wave of COVID-19 hit Melbourne during the middle of the year, production company Evolved Group connected with us to shoot the video elements for their client LDV Vans. In Melbourne, heavy quarantine restrictions meant they were not permitted to leave their homes. Filming all of the video assets in Sydney meant that Evolved Group were able to keep this exciting project on the move. Once filming had wrapped, we sent all of the video footage to Melbourne, where the rest got pieced together to create a final product that looks fantastic!


Image courtesy of: Evolved Group


Image courtesy of: Evolved Group


Image courtesy of: Evolved Group


PR maven Roxy Jacenko owns a handful of business, and through these various endeavours, she hosts stunning seminars for aspiring businesswomen across the country. As we know, events were the first to go when COVID-19 escalated, Roxy reached out to us as she wanted to start building on her repertoire of online masterclasses. The Marketing Bootcamp came about in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Roxy was unable to host her seminars, and this online masterclass was the solution. We produced over 35 video assets for this masterclass which saw nation-wide promotional coverage on billboards, TV commercials and digital news outlets.


While we supported a range of brands due to COVID-19, there were many other highlights including a campaign for singer-songwriter Taylor BW. Taylor released her 2nd single "Dreams" in March of this year, and we created a handful of visual assets from the single cover, a music video, a lyric video and a handful of social content pieces that supported the campaign. This campaign gave Taylor the assets required to promote the song and gain her traction across streaming and media outlets. 


As we continue to expand into masterclass style content, we produced over 90 minutes of video content for The Travis Balcke Masterclass. Travis Balcke is a world-renowned hairstylist, and, in this masterclass, he teaches you how to create a range of hairstyles that evoke a salon finish at home. Makeup video tutorials are a dime a dozen across the web; however, high-quality hair video tutorials are hard to come across, and this masterclass was the perfect solution to the shortage of high-quality hair content consumers desperately lacked.


During 2020 we discovered that technology video content was thriving. Amongst many of our technology-focused clients, cloud technology supported a range of businesses throughout 2020. We captured these wins for Fujitsu and their partners, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft and VMware with a long-form video series. To watch the Fujitsu partnership success story with VMware, click below!


Lastly, we've revamped our website this year. Please take a look around, let us know your thoughts. There is a plethora of video & photo content on here that we are immensely proud of and we look forward to adding yours to the list.

Thank you to all of the brands and people we've collaborated with throughout 2020. Happy Holidays and see you on the other side!


Josef and the JJW STUDIO team.


Top Tips for On-Camera Interviews


2020 | Quarter Three at JJW STUDIO