Terms of Service
Between us, JJW STUDIO and you, the client.. ⬇️
We're all in to make sure your needs are met, and your goals are hit out of the park! But, let's face it, having a bit of the important stuff jotted down helps everyone stay on the same page, know who's up to bat, and what we do if we hit a foul ball. We're not here to pull a fast one or have you sign off on something that'll have you facepalming later.
We do, however, want what’s best for the safety of both parties, now and in the future.
In short
You and/or your company are hiring us (JJW STUDIO), located at 204/8 Loftus Street, Sydney, AUSTRALIA NSW 2000, to produce the deliverables for the estimated total price as outlined in our proposal.
Sure, there's a tad more under the hood, but we'll pop it open and explore together shortly!
What Do Both Parties Agree To Do?
As our customer, you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organisation. You agree to provide us with everything that we’ll need to complete the project - including text, images and other information – as and when we need it and in the format we ask for.
You agree to review our work and provide feedback and approval in a timely manner. Deadlines work two ways, and you’ll also be bound by any dates that we set together. You also agree to stick to the payment schedule set out within your proposal.
We have the experience and ability to perform the services you need from us, and we will carry them out in a professional and timely manner. Along the way, we will endeavour to meet all the deadlines set, but we can’t be responsible for a missed launch date or a deadline if you have been late in supplying materials or have not approved or signed off our work on time at any stage. On top of this, we’ll also maintain the confidentiality of any information that you give us.
You are granted a specified number of Pre-Production revisions and post-production revisions - please check your proposal for these revision round numbers. Additional rounds of major and minor revisions are billed at $150 per hour, with a minimum of charge of
$150. Revisions will only be received from your organisation’s one key point of contact.
If multiple stakeholders are involved in giving feedback, it is up to your organisation’s one key point of contact to collate the feedback and input it into our preferred review system.
The reason for this is that we cannot guarantee project completion and eliminate budget overrun if this is not strictly adhered to. Our goal is to deliver your project on time and
within budget. We guarantee we can do this if the brief is signed off and we stick to it throughout the duration of this project.
Just like a parking ticket, you can’t transfer this contract to anyone else without our permission.
Authorising this project requires a signature at the end of your proposal.
Between the "Producer", JJW STUDIO, and you/your company, the "Client".
The work provided by the Producer will start and end on the target production timeline dates set out in “The Plan” section of your proposal. It is agreed that this schedule is subject to change from time to time with the mutual consent of the Parties.
Once finalised, the production timeline shall serve as both the project's primary timeline and milestones guideline. Both Parties agree to stick to the project dates and the revision period listed within the proposal to the best of their abilities and understand that failure to do so will result in project delays and additional fees.
2. Roles and Responsibilities
We agree to use our best efforts to fulfil and exceed your expectations on the deliverables listed in your proposal. You agree to aid us by making the required information about your business available to us and cooperating with us in expediting the work.
Producer will:
Produce and supply the deliverables as outlined in the proposal.
Client will:
Provide us with everything we’ll need to complete the project – including text, images and other information – as and when we need it and in the format we request. We require any brand guidelines to be sent in writing prior to production so we have time to ensure accuracy.
Agree to review our work and provide feedback and approval in the agreed timelines. Deadlines work two ways, and you’ll also be bound by any dates that we set together.
Agree to stick to the payment schedule set out in your proposal.
Source any talent and liaise with businesses featured within the video.
3. Fees and Payment
The total cost to the Client for the completion of the Project is included in your proposal, excluding any additional expenses.
Unless otherwise specified in your proposal, the Client shall pay the Producer for the Project in the following instalments:
The first payment of 50% of the project total (the “Deposit”) will be paid upon signing the proposal.
The final payment of 50% of the project total will be paid upon delivery of assets stated in this proposal.
4. Refunds
Due to the nature of production scheduling and resource allocation, the deposit payment is non-refundable. If the project is terminated in accordance with clause 13, then any funds that have already been paid by the client that exceeds the amount of work completed will be refunded.
5. Expenses
The Producer will pay for all Project expenses related to:
Each stage of production
From time to time, the Producer may determine that an expense not covered under this Agreement may be necessary for the betterment of the Project. The Producer agrees to provide the Client with a detailed written request for additional funds to cover that expense, why it’s necessary, and how not paying for it may materially affect the quality of the Project.
The Client is responsible for either approving or denying the additional expenses in writing and fully acknowledges how that may affect the overall project.
5.1 Additional Expenses & Delays
Functionality or feature requests above and beyond those listed in the concept/script may be considered out-of-scope, and an amendment to the budget will be recommended.
Projects that go dormant for longer than 30 days from our last email or phone
correspondence will incur a minimum fee of $1200 ex GST to resume work at the discretion of JJW STUDIO.
6. Project Scope
At each stage of production we politely insist on consolidated feedback at all stages of production to ensure you are satisfied with the services being delivered.
If you want to change your mind, add extra elements or music or even add new shooting days, that won’t be a problem. However, you will be charged accordingly, and these additional costs must be agreed upon before the extra work commences. This additional work will affect deadlines, and they will be moved accordingly. We’ll be upfront about all of this if and when it happens and ensure we’re all on the same page before proceeding.
If a re-shoot is deemed necessary by the client for any reason, the producer will advise the client of the expenses incurred as a result of the re-shoot, and they will be added to the next project invoice following the re-shoot.
6.2.Shooting Cancellation Fee
We will do our best, time permitting, to send shoot reminder emails 14 days and 7 days from a scheduled shoot day.
Due to the lead time required in booking resources for shoot days, we have a minimum cancellation fee of $1200 ex GST.
If JJW STUDIO receives notice less than seven days out from a previously booked shoot that the client wants to cancel the shoot, the client will be billed a cancellation fee of at least $1200 ex GST.
This fee could be larger depending on the amount of resources required for the shoot. Variables that increase the cancellation fee include, but are not limited to: external contractors, location booking fees, talent, travel expenses, catering and many more.
7. Approval / Revisions
The prices in your proposal's “Your Investment” section are based on the amount of work we estimate we’ll need to accomplish everything you have told us you want to achieve. This means that if you'd like us to do more work than we've quoted, then it will cost more. This can sometimes be the case during the approval and revision period.
The Client is granted one round of major revisions as part of Concept Development and two rounds of minor revisions as part of Post Production. Additional rounds of revisions are billed at $150 per hour, with a minimum charge of $150. Revisions are only given from the Client’s one key point of contact listed in your proposal. If multiple stakeholders give feedback, it is up to the Client’s one key point of contact to collate the feedback and input it into our editing review system. Our goal is to deliver your project on time and within budget.
Major and minor rounds of revisions must be delivered to the Producer within the revision period listed in your proposal, or an additional production/post-production schedule must be sent. If no feedback or communication has been given within two weeks of the project being sent for revisions, the Project by the Client shall be deemed to be approved by the Client.
Major revisions are defined as any significant changes to the story's narrative, edits, inclusion, and removal of entire scenes or VOs, changes in the soundtrack, and anything that significantly impacts the overall story or visual. Minor revisions are defined as any minor rearrangement, removal, editing, or addition of footage that won’t significantly affect the narrative or story, such as audio levels and colour balance.
We also ask you to put revision feedback in writing via our editing review tool, so we can keep track of changes. If the nature or functions of the project change significantly throughout the process, we reserve the right to deem the current project cancelled. At this point, you will pay us in full for all our work and may commission us to complete the new project based on the new requirements. This will require a new proposal.
8. JJW STUDIO Project Storage
Upon project completion, we will store your project and all its associated files for at least twelve months on a safely secured hard drive on our premises. After twelve months, we have the right to delete all your project files perpetually.
Delivery of raw media files is available on request (camera rushes only), starting at a cost of $500 ex GST and will be transferred to a hard drive that you supply. We will organise the delivery of said hard drive via secure courier or registered post at an additional cost.
9. Ownership & Copyright
The Project and all final materials created as a direct result of this Agreement and specifically mentioned in this Agreement become the legal property of the Client upon the completion of work and the payment in full of the Final Budget by the Client.
Once the project is completed and the balance of the Final Budget is paid, the Client shall assign all rights in and to the Project to the Producer for use in live in-person presentations and web promotional use.
You guarantee to us that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork you provide us for inclusion in the video are owned by you or that you have permission to use them. We’ll give you a copy of the final video/s but not the elements used to create it. You should store them safely as we are not required to keep them or provide any native source files we used to make them beyond thirty days of this agreement.
You also own text content, photographs, and other data you provide unless someone else owns them.
We love to show off our work and share what we have learned with others, so we reserve the right to display and link to your completed project as part of our portfolio and write/talk about the project on any platform/format. This includes uploading the final works via our own website and social channels with credit to you, “The Client”, where applicable.
10. Rights Period and Use Restrictions
The Client acknowledges that due to third-party agreements with respect to the production of the Project, there may be limits to the time the Project is permitted to be publicly exploited.
These limits are imposed due to the Rights Period and Permitted Media limitations in acting or voice-over agreements for the talent appearing in the Project, stock music licensing for the music used in the Project, and/or stock footage licensing for the footage used in the Project. All of these limitations will be outlined in the Performer’s Deal Memo, Music Use Licenses, and/or Footage Licenses provided to the Client before inclusion in the Project.
11. Confidentiality
During the course of this Agreement, the Parties may disclose to the other certain information which is confidential to the disclosing Party. Provided that the disclosing Party informs the other Party that the information is Confidential Information, each Party will hold the other Party’s Confidential Information in confidence, will not disclose it to other parties and will only use it for the purposes of this Project.
12. Accuracy of Content
The Project is based on the information provided to the Producer by the Client. The Producer cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. It is understood that the Client is responsible for all Project content provided by the Client.
We can’t guarantee that the completed video will always be error-free, so we require your sign-off via email at predetermined stages up to and including final delivery. We can’t be liable to you or any third party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the video, even if you have advised us of the possibilities of such damages.
If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
13. Termination of Agreement
This Agreement may be terminated by either Party by giving the other Party fourteen (14) calendar days prior written notice. In the event of a material breach of this Agreement by either Party, the non-breaching Party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon giving written notice to the breaching Party.
Immediately upon termination of this Agreement, the Producer will cease performing its obligations. Within seven (7) days of the termination, the Client will pay the Producer fees for all work performed before the termination date at a rate of $150 Australian Dollars per hour, less any amount previously paid.
14. Entire Agreement
The Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties. Amendments may be made by written agreement of both parties. You can’t transfer this contract to anyone else without our permission. This contract stays in place and does not need to be renewed. If, for some reason, one part of this contract becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of it remain in place.
15. Mediation
Any claim or controversy arising out of the Agreement will be referred to a Mediator at the request of either Party. If the dispute is not settled first through Mediation, the Parties will be bound to enter into Arbitration in the City of Sydney in the State of New South Wales.
Both Parties agree to be bound by the arbitrator’s decision.
15. Governing law
This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with Australian laws.
Got a question or curious? We’re here to help. ⬇️